Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vintage Apple Part 1

Hello All! I am so excited to be starting my new blog vintage apple today. This is my second blog and its a little more true to my heart then my beauty blog due to the fact that I am a huge vintage freak! Even for my wedding I am incorporating as much vintage I can possibly get my hands on! I love it!
I first fell in love with the past growing up watching Doris Day movies on the weekends with my Paw Paw! I remember thinking how amazing she was! She was gorgeous, sweet, could sing, loved buttermilk and could ice skate! She was also amazingly confident and not over the top. She seemed like the really cool and perfect neighbor down the street you wanted to be friends with!
Doris Day, turned in to Audrey Hepburn... who was so incredibly petite but a little more glamourous. Hello Breakfast at Tiffanys! I swear the first time I saw that movie I didnt really get it. But as Ive gotten older I have learned to love it even more! She was soo ultra glam in her big hat and black dress eating in front of the Tiffanys window! I swear that movie had to give Tiffanys soo much publicity that they should have given her a lifetime shopping spree!!!
Audrey led to Marilyn who was the ultra glamourous, ultra feminine, amazing sex kitten who all the men could only dream to have. My favorite of hers would have to be The Seven Year Itch among others she was so great on screen there was never a boring moment. SHe was probably the most provacative of all the leading hollywood ladies and you always wanted to see what she would wear...
I also have much love for Ms. Rita Hayworth, I mean beautiful and what an amazing dancer!
I LOVE IT ALL! ANd i Hope to incorporate many vintage ideas for everyday use! As well as new products with a vintage feel. I truly hope you all enjoy because this is something very close to my heart!