Monday, November 1, 2010

Fashionable: 70's could be fabulous

When I typically think about vintage things, for some reason I never try to venture much post the 1960's, but we are living in the wonderful 2010's so the 1970s and the 1980s both could be considered older or vintage.
So when I logged onto the wonderful today for some much needed fashion advice i was pleased to find that a new trend that is emerging is from the 1970's.

This is a trend I will definatly be using! Im way into nicer fabrics and even fur but only if its truly vintage, if its new then it must be faux.
Why dont we all use this as a little inspiration to become even more outside the box and more fashion forward while looking into the past!

Also, I have a huge obsession with sunglasses, but I always seem to leave them on the roof of my car and then run over them and lose them. so while i love the Tom Ford 70s inspired glasses shown at the top left of this blog, I would much rather spend $5.80 at Forever 21 and buy:

TELL ME YOUR IDEAS ON THE 70s Fashion revival!!!


d said...

This is the report I had read on
Check it out.