Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Vintage Weddings: Adding a Vintage Touch

Even if you love vintage, like vintage or just want to do it for your wedding there are a lot of ways to add some vintage charm to your wedding and you don't have to spend a lot of money.

1. Vintage Wedding Dress:
 Shop around, go to all your local vintage shops and even check out thrift stores. Also, a lot of what we would consider to be a wedding dress would have actually been a party dress then. Just look for one in white, off white, cream or any other color you are looking for. You can also look at here and here for more options.
Don't forget to ask friends or your family to see if anyone has a vintage dress stashed in the attic you can borrow or buy. A lot of times they wont get used.

2. Vintage Hairpiece: For a vintage hairpiece you would search the same way online and in store. You would want to make sure it is in very good condition because overtimes some of the structures tend to break down. This may be an example of when to do vintage inspired hairpiece, that way it will be around for a while and will give you the same look you want.

3. Milk Glass Centerpieces: Hydrangeas look lovely coming out of milk glass centerpieces. I always see milk glass at the Good Will they have so much and each piece is a couple dollars depending in size. You could put a lot of little glasses in the centerpiece or a few large ones. Or mix and match the size and shapes of the centerpieces. They are all the same color so it will still look cohesive. I would suggest going to goodwill for this one.

4. Wear a locket: Do you have a relative that you were close to and is no longer around? Wear a locket with a picture of that person on your wedding day and take time to remember them. At my wedding, I put pictures of my grandparents at the huge stone fireplace (we got married in front of a fireplace). It was nice because a lot of my family went up there to look at the pictures afterward. One thing I love now is that they have bouquet lockets that you could use as well see here.

5. Add A Brooch: I love brooches and you can find them in any color. My grandmother had so many of these and I just find them amazing. You could add a brooch to the handle of your bouquet for everyone to see while you walk down the aisle. You could even incorporate brooches into your bouquet which would be gorgeous as well. Etsy has a ton of brooch bouquets and I love them. You could just buy one or incorporate your own grandmothers into your own. You could also go to the thrift store to find some to use as well.

Hope this helped to jumpstart some ideas for you to incorporate into your own wedding.

Check out my complete wedding guide by clicking here.