Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Old fashioned dresses

I have this wonderful old fashioned dress that I wore once and I just adore.
The only problem now is I'm not sure what to do with it? I could sell it but I wont get much out of it and I kind of wish to do something with it to keep it around.
Maybe i can make it into pillows?
Or.... something funky....
What do you guys think. Let me know Luvvy.

Hmm. Birdy Birdy, Vintage birdcages for weddings

So, as all of you know I am engaged to a truly wonderful man and our wedding is in actually less then five months! So exciting!!

One of the most amazing aspects for my wedding is this great big birdcage that is very vintage. Its about 20 inches high, olive green and its almost made out of wrought iron. Which is very cool.

I cant imagine a bird living in it the bottom sits up real high and its all wiry and thin on the bottom. I'm sure a bird would make a huge mess. And plus its beautiful so why waste it on a bird when it can be a magnificent centerpiece for a table or something.

The birdcage was my grandmothers and she never really did anything with it except keep it upstairs. Now I will be using it for the cards on my sign in table. I'm very excited about it and might wrap ivy or something around it to make it super special.

But i would also like to incorporate it after the wedding in my household. I do believe it would make a wonderful centerpiece with beautiful candles sitting inside. But I'm not completely sure, we have a small circular glass table.

Any ideas on how to incorporate this wonderful birdcage into my household decor and have my hubby to be love it as well... Let me know.
Love ya!!!