Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Retro House wife ideas...

I have always had a love for  the retro housewife, they were well groomed, charming, amazing dancers, poured the perfect drink, made delicious meals and kept a home spotless.  Its a lot to live up to when you work 40 hours a week and blog on the sides. Well a girl can still dream right???

Anyways while Im not the perfect housewife I still love them and there kitchy, vintage charm... So here is my list for FAB FUN Retro Housewife Essentials....

A Fabtabulous Frilly Apron.
I know its a given because I have a pension for pretty aprons and frills and lace.... but who wouldnt look amazing dressed up in these aprons!!!
Some great examples you can actually buy are below. I have atleast five of these. Love them!

For the mind: Winter Reading Material

I always love to curl up to a good book in the winter months, dont you??? You know us charming women have to keep our minds young and entertained. Here is some reading material I enjoy.

The Help.

If you have seen the movie why not read the book. The book is always much better!
The Hunger Games.

Everyone at my work is reading it.

This book is great if your a christian that loves Chick Lit

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Vs. Old. Hot vs. Not and pinups always win.

Saw this on facebook today.
What do you guys think???
I would take the bottom row any day!