Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Retro House wife ideas...

I have always had a love for  the retro housewife, they were well groomed, charming, amazing dancers, poured the perfect drink, made delicious meals and kept a home spotless.  Its a lot to live up to when you work 40 hours a week and blog on the sides. Well a girl can still dream right???

Anyways while Im not the perfect housewife I still love them and there kitchy, vintage charm... So here is my list for FAB FUN Retro Housewife Essentials....

A Fabtabulous Frilly Apron.
I know its a given because I have a pension for pretty aprons and frills and lace.... but who wouldnt look amazing dressed up in these aprons!!!
Some great examples you can actually buy are below. I have atleast five of these. Love them!