Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Art of being a lady: Learning how to Lunch

Have you ever heard of the ladies that lunch or should we say lunched?
They were wealthy, socially inclined women that would get together mid day to have lunch together. These lunches would take place in exclusive restaurants around the city. The ladies would be very put together, hair done, nails, great clothes... Great Ettiquette... Everything...

This  made me question what is the modern day ettiquette for attending a luncheon. So below I share a few tips on how to have a seamless luncheon among friends.

Only among friends, make sure all your guests get along. Don't invite friends that are feuding or just have personality conflicts.

Dress classy not trashy, simple dresses, summer dresses, light weight fabrics, light colors, nothing to heavy or overly dressy. Nothing too short or too low.

Location is everything, Pick a spot that has a great vibe and great service. You don't want to spend the luncheon talking to your friends about the server who took to long.

Make a reservation once you have your final headcount in order to minimize your wait time.

Always arrive on time preferably 15 minutes before the lunch. It is not polite to have your friends waiting for you.

Order your food only after all your guests have arrived.

Practice good manners, chew with your mouth shut, keep elbows off the table, dont sit indian style, dont kick off your shoes under the table and dont cut off your guests when they are talking.

Give your company your full attention. This means putting away your cell phones, Ipads and electronics. (I know its hard but its worth it,)

If this is a business lunch only order an alcoholic beverage only if the person who invited you does and then limit yourself to one.

If you are out with the girls you can have a drink or two but its not ladylike to get waisted mid day.

Only leave after everyone has finished eating. It is very rude to rush off when there are people still eating their food.

I hope you enjoyed these quick tips!!! Rachel