Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Old Fashion Food: Ode to Buttermilk! Please read!!!!

The Best 50 Buttermilk RecipesOne drink I believe that has lost popularity with each new generation would have to be Buttermilk...
Now please be aware this whole post will be a wonderful love fest for it...

Now I have been drinking buttermilk since I was a very little girl. It was something I have always liked. My Paw Paw was  a big fan himself! I even get cravings for it...If there was a buttermilk drinking contest I would win it!  I loved it even more when Doris Day mentioned it in Moonlight Bay (great movie gotta see it moonlight bay.)

I just love the slightly bitter, rich, creamy drink! I think buttermilk has a bad reputation for a good product. Most people think its fattening which it isnt and some people think your not even supposed to drink it.  I think our generation now sees this more as an occasional cooking ingriediant rather then a drink, I've even heard of people putting vinegar in milk to make it for a recipe. This is not recommended

Many people believe buttermilk is fattening, this is not the case, buttermilk is actually the milky product left over from making butter. Now wouldnt all the fat go into the butter itself not in the left over residue. Buttermilk has about 2.2 grams of fat and about 100 calories per serving, this is less then regular milk.
It can also help with digestion because it is a pro biotic food and contains lactic acid.

Buttermilk can also be drank in a variety of ways, I personally like mine with fresh ground pepper. My aunt drinks hers with cinnamon and sugar. It tastes like a sweet yogurt that way!

So if you have never had buttermilk, why not give it a try, if you like it sweet that is awesome. If you like it more sour go for it! I love Kroger lowfat buttermilk with the yellow cap! I think it is the best!
Just give it a try.
Warning, you may not like it... But why not try it?

Also try it in some recipes... it is great!
Try it in an upscale torte... Sour Apple and Buttermilk Torte
Or use it a more down home recipe... buttermilk chicken breast

Comment your best buttermilk ideas to the blog and the best will win a prize. Do so by 2/15/11